Câu hỏi và đáp án môn Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành EHOU

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Câu hỏi và đáp án môn Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành EHOU, hỗ trợ học trực tuyến tại Đại học Mở Hà Nội

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Câu hỏi 1: …………..is the physical parts of a computer system including any peripheral equipment such as printers, modems and mouse devices.

  • A storage device
  • Application
  • Hardware
  • Software

Câu hỏi 2: A __________ program provides access to Web resources.

  • Browser
  • ISP
  • URL
  • Web

Câu hỏi 3: A compiler is a translating program which:

  • All of above
  • It is not involved in program’s execution
  • Translates entire source program into machine language program
  • Translates instruction of a high level language into machine language

Câu hỏi 4: A compiler means:

  • ✅ A program which translates source program into object program
  • A person who compiles source programs
  • Keypunch operator
  • The same thing as a programmer

Câu hỏi 5: A computer can do……………………. operations without getting tired or bored.

  • Repeat
  • Repeatedly
  • Repeating
  • Repetitive

Câu hỏi 6: A computer Program that translates one program instruction at a time into machine language is called a/an:

  • Compiler
  • CPU
  • Interpreter
  • Simulator

Câu hỏi 7: A computer programmer:

  • ✅ Does all the thinking for a computer
  • Can draw only flowchart
  • Can enter input data quickly
  • Can operate all types of computer equipment

Câu hỏi 8: A language which is close to that used within the computer is:

  • ✅ Low-level language
  • All of the above
  • Assembly language
  • High-level language

Câu hỏi 9: A memory that holds micro programs is …

  • Control memory
  • Core memory
  • RAM
  • ROM

Câu hỏi 10: A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for

  • ✅ Input storage, manipulation of outputting of data
  • Doing quick mathematical calculations
  • Electronic data processing
  • Performing repetitive tasks accurately

Câu hỏi 11: A one-line description, used to present the topic of an e-mail message, is referred to as the:

  • Address
  • Header
  • Signature
  • Subject

Câu hỏi 12: A pen shaped device which can sense light, and is used to point at spots on a video screen.

  • Joystick
  • Light pen
  • Mouse
  • Plotter

Câu hỏi 13: An operating system:

  • Consists of programs that help in the operation of computer
  • Is always supplies with computer
  • Is always written in BASIC
  • Is not required on large computers

Câu hỏi 14: Apple and IBM are the first two companies that produced…………..

  • Mainframes
  • Personal computers
  • Portable computers
  • Servers

Câu hỏi 15: At the back of a computer there are ports into which we can plug __________ (e.g. a scanner, a modem, etc.)

  • ✅ External devices
  • External device
  • Internal device
  • Internal devices

Câu hỏi 16: CD-ROM is a …

  • Magnetic memory
  • Memory register
  • None of above
  • Semiconductor memory

Câu hỏi 17: Compilers and interpreters are themselves:

  • ✅ Programs
  • Codes
  • High-level language
  • Mnemonics

Câu hỏi 18: Computer memory consists of …

  • ✅ All of the above
  • PROM
  • RAM
  • ROM

Câu hỏi 19: Computers can produce results quickly and……………………….

  • Accuracy
  • Accurate
  • Accurately
  • Accurating

Câu hỏi 20: Computers can…………………… numbers.

  • Comparable
  • Comparative
  • Comparatively
  • Compare

Câu hỏi 21: Control Unit of a digital computer is often called the …

  • ✅ Nerve centre
  • All of the above
  • ICs
  • Lock

Câu hỏi 22: DBMS stand for …

  • Database management studies
  • Database management system
  • Database marketing strategies
  • Database marketing system

Câu hỏi 23: Device driver is a software component………………… a computer system to communicate with a device,

  • ✅ That permits
  • Permits
  • That
  • Which permitting

Câu hỏi 24: Everything computer does is controlled by its?

  • CPU
  • RAM
  • ROM
  • Storage devices

Câu hỏi 25: For a browser to connect to other resources, the location or address of the resources must be specified. These addresses are called:

  • E-mail forms
  • MSN
  • Packets
  • URLs

Câu hỏi 26: High level language is also called

  • All of the above
  • Business oriented language
  • Mathematically oriented language
  • Problem oriented language

Câu hỏi 27: How many………….are there in a byte?

  • Bits
  • Digits
  • Pits
  • Zeros

Câu hỏi 28: HTML is an acronym for __________.

  • Hyperlink Markup Language
  • Hypertext Markup Language
  • Hypertext Markup Link
  • Hypertext Modern Language.

Câu hỏi 29: In a client/server network, the user’s computer is considered the:

  • Client
  • Library
  • Server
  • Web site

Câu hỏi 30: In the e-mail address “[email protected]”, what is the domain name?

  • ✅ Usource.org
  • Justincase
  • Org
  • The whole address is called the domain name.

Câu hỏi 31: In which language is source program written?

  • ✅ High level
  • English
  • Symbolic
  • Temporary

Câu hỏi 32: Information stored in Random Access Memory (RAM) is volatile. This means that it:

  • ✅ Is lost when the computer is switched off.
  • Can burn if exposed to air.
  • Is automatically saved to disk when the computer is switched off.
  • Is kept in memory even when the computer is powered off.

Câu hỏi 33: Memories in which any location can be reached in a fixed (and short) amount of time after specifying its address is called

  • Mass storage
  • Random-access memory
  • Secondary memory
  • Sequential-access memory

Câu hỏi 34: Most common uses of the Internet and the Web include communicating, shopping,

  • ✅ Searching, entertainment, and education
  • E-commerce, e-mail, and education
  • E-commerce, e-mail, and searching
  • E-mail, entertainment, and education

Câu hỏi 35: Most operating systems provide…………………. to read and write data to files.

  • ✅ Function
  • Functions
  • Functions which
  • With functions

Câu hỏi 36: Moving from one Web site to another is called:

  • ✅ Surfing
  • Applying
  • Jumping
  • Moving

Câu hỏi 37: Name or number used to identify a storage location devices?

  • A byte
  • A record
  • All of above
  • An address

Câu hỏi 38: Processors of all computers, whether micro, mini or mainframe must have …

  • All of the above
  • ALU
  • Control Unit
  • Primary storage

Câu hỏi 39: Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as:

  • Application software
  • Operating system
  • System software
  • Utility programs

Câu hỏi 40: RAM is used as a short memory because it is …

  • Has small capacity
  • Is programmable
  • Is very expensive
  • Volatile

Câu hỏi 41: Rules for exchanging data between computers are called

  • ✅ Protocols
  • Hyperlinks
  • Procedures
  • Programs

Câu hỏi 42: Software documentation refers to:

  • Anything written about how the software is designed or functions
  • None of the above.
  • The compatibility of the software with IBM-PC
  • The documents which, the user has to sign before using the software legally

Câu hỏi 43: Software in computer:

  • Both of above
  • Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine
  • Increase the speed of central processing unit
  • None of above

Câu hỏi 44: The __________ is the multimedia interface to resources available on the Internet.

  • ✅ Web
  • Browser
  • ISP
  • URL

Câu hỏi 45: The actual physical network made up of wires, cables, and satellites that connects computers and resources throughout the world is the:

  • ✅ Internet
  • E-commerce
  • Spiders
  • Web

Câu hỏi 46: The brain of any computer system is

  • ✅ CPU
  • ALU
  • Control unit
  • Memory

Câu hỏi 47: The computer stores its program and data in its

  • ✅ Memory
  • ALU
  • Cache memory
  • Control unit

Câu hỏi 48: The control unit of a processor………………………. the flow of information between the arithmetic unit and the memory.

  • ✅ Coordinates
  • Coordinating
  • Coordination
  • Coordinator

Câu hỏi 49: The CPU clock speed is normally expressed in:

  • 500 MHz
  • Bits per clock tick
  • Megahertz
  • Ticks per second

Câu hỏi 50: The device that can both feed data into and accept data from a computer is …

  • All of the above
  • ALU
  • CPU
  • Input-Output device

Câu hỏi 51: The difference between memory and storage is that memory is … and storage is …

  • All of above
  • Permanent, temporary
  • Slow, fast
  • Temporary, permanent

Câu hỏi 52: The extensions .gov, .edu, .mil, and .net are called:

  • DNSs
  • Domain codes
  • E-mail targets
  • Mail to addresses

Câu hỏi 53: The fastest-growing application for the Internet is

  • Conducting research
  • Going shopping
  • Playing games, reading, and listening to music
  • Using e-mail

Câu hỏi 54: The first…………… computer which was as big as a house was built in the 1940s.

  • Analogue
  • digital
  • Personal
  • Portable

Câu hỏi 55: The Internet was launched in 1969 and was originally called:

  • CERN

Câu hỏi 56: The kernel of Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional operating systems are……………………… .

  • Identical
  • Not same
  • Same
  • Unique

Câu hỏi 57: The most common method for gaining access to the Internet is through a __________.

  • Dumb terminal
  • Point-to-point computer
  • Provider or host computer
  • Virtual provider or computer

Câu hỏi 58: The most popular Internet activity is

  • Communicating with others
  • Conducting research
  • Going shopping
  • Playing games, reading, listening to music

Câu hỏi 59: The most powerful type of computer is a…………………..

  • Laptop
  • Mainframe
  • PDA
  • Supercomputer

Câu hỏi 60: The most widely used Web protocol is:

  • HTML
  • http://
  • ISP
  • URL

Câu hỏi 61: The multimedia interface to the resources available on the Net is called the:

  • GUI interface
  • Internet
  • Server
  • World Wide Web

Câu hỏi 62: The term ISP refers to

  • Interface standard protocol
  • Internal software protocol
  • International shareware pool
  • Internet service provider

Câu hỏi 63: The translator program used in assembly language is called

  • Assembler
  • Compiler
  • Interpreter
  • Translator

Câu hỏi 64: The two basic parts of URLs are:

  • Destination and device
  • TCP and IP
  • TCP/IP and ISP
  • The protocol and the domain name

Câu hỏi 65: There are millions of ………………in a today’s chip

  • ✅ Transistors
  • Applications
  • Pits
  • Pixel

Câu hỏi 66: These types of commercial Internet service providers are the most widely used:

  • ✅ National service providers
  • Centralized service providers
  • Decentralized service providers
  • Regional service providers

Câu hỏi 67: UNIVAC is

  • ✅ Universal Automatic Computer
  • Unique Automatic Computer
  • Universal Array Computer
  • Unvalued Automatic Computer

Câu hỏi 68: Unwanted and unsolicited e-mails are called:

  • ✅ Spam
  • Flame
  • Junk
  • Lurk

Câu hỏi 69: URL is an acronym for __________.

  • Uniform Resource Linka
  • Uniform Resource Locator
  • Universal Reference Locator
  • Unlimited Real-time Language

Câu hỏi 70: What is the best definition of ” or ‘bug’?

  • ✅ An error in a computer program
  • A program in which the code is distributed allowing programmers to alter and change the original software as much as they like
  • All the above
  • Data programmed into a hardware device which provides its basic functionality; normally in the form of an EPROM

Câu hỏi 71: What is the best definition of ‘.NET Framework’?

  • ✅ A premium software framework by Microsoft which executes code via a virtual machine
  • A high-level, popular, open source, interpreted programming language written by Larry Wall in 1986 and typically used for a wide variety of programming tasks
  • A program that takes human readable code and turns it into machine readable code
  • A programming language written by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, and aimed mainly at web developers to create dynamic content

Câu hỏi 72: What is the best definition of ‘barcode reader’?

  • ✅ A hardware peripheral designed to ‘scan’ products into an inventory tracking system
  • All the above
  • An input device using a light-sensitive pen shaped handle which can be used to draw on the computer screen
  • An input device with a vertical rod mounted on a base used to control pointing devices or on-screen objects; normally with one or more buttons

Câu hỏi 73: What is the best definition of ‘beta version’?

  • ✅ A software program used for testing purposes before it is released to the public.
  • A measure of how easily programs can be moved to a new system without having to make any changes.
  • An application which stores information that often needs to be accessed quickly such as appointments, contacts, notes, lists and memos.
  • An open format for exchanging data between spreadsheet programs

Câu hỏi 74: What is the best definition of ‘CLI’ or ‘command line interface’?

  • ✅ A text-only link between a computer and its operator
  • A family of operating systems created by Microsoft; normally divided into the “9x” series of MS-DOS based systems and the “NT” series (NT,2000,XP,Vista)
  • A software program which mimics the performance of a hardware device in order to run securely or independent of the actual hardware
  • To terminate a connection to a computer or network

Câu hỏi 75: What is the best definition of ‘click’?

  • ✅ To press and release the primary (left-side) mouse button
  • The ability of a computer to convert spoken words from a user into usable data.
  • To press both right and left -side mouse button
  • To press the right-side mouse button

Câu hỏi 76: What is the best definition of ‘closed source’?

  • ✅ Software in which the license stipulates that the user cannot see, edit, or manipulate the source code of a software program
  • An error in a computer program
  • An incorrect action attributable to poor judgment, ignorance, or inattention
  • Software distributed without cost by the developer which normally cannot be modified or sold without permission

Câu hỏi 77: What is the best definition of ‘compatible’?

  • A computer failure due to faulty hardware or a serious software bug
  • Capable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification
  • Characterized by not having a constant time interval between successive bits, characters or events
  • No longer of use due to passage of time and the increase of surrounding technology

Câu hỏi 78: What is the best definition of ‘convergence’?

  • A computer using a relatively slow and specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player
  • A physical or software device connecting and facilitating a network with a printer
  • All the above
  • The evolution of devices towards common functionality

Câu hỏi 79: What is the best definition of ‘elegant code’?

  • A programming style that is based on a step-by-step approach to solving a problem.
  • All of the above
  • Concise, clean, and clear code which allows other developers to understand and extend it
  • Rules governing the structure of a programming language

Câu hỏi 80: What is the best definition of ’embedded system’?

  • A computer designed for use by one person at a time
  • A computer using a relatively slow and specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player
  • A type of computer intended primarily for central distribution of data to other computers on the same network
  • Refers to only the most powerful class of computer, typically designed to perform specialized tasks such as weather prediction, governmental financial calculations, or space research.

Câu hỏi 81: What is the best definition of ‘EPROM’ or ‘erasable programmable read only memory’?

  • A non-volatile (permanent) memory type that is erasable via ultra-violet light and reprogrammable
  • A type of memory which is manufactured with permanent contents which cannot be modified
  • All the above
  • This is either dedicated or shared memory set aside specifically for the graphics processor

Câu hỏi 82: What is the best definition of ‘execute’?

  • The act of deleting information from a file system or database
  • To end a program or a process before its completion
  • To magnetically prepare or a disk to receive data or erase and prepare an existing disk drive
  • To start a program on a computer

Câu hỏi 83: What is the best definition of ‘filename’?

  • A name that identifies a series of bits stored on a computer or computer media
  • A software program which mimics the performance of a hardware device in order to run securely or independent of the actual hardware
  • Software which converts the data from a component or peripheral into data that an operating system can use
  • To magnetically prepare or a disk to receive data or erase and prepare an existing disk drive

Câu hỏi 84: What is the best definition of ‘fingerprint reader’?

  • A device which forms a digitised image of a human finger print for the purpose of biometric authentication.
  • A hardware device plugged into a computer’s sound card optimized for voice commands or other audio recording
  • An input device using a light-sensitive pen shaped handle which can be used to draw on the computer screen
  • To press the right-side mouse button

Câu hỏi 85: What is the best definition of ‘firmware’?

  • All the above
  • An incorrect action attributable to poor judgment, ignorance, or inattention
  • Data programmed into a hardware device which provides its basic functionality; normally in the form of an EPROM
  • Software in which the license stipulates that the user cannot see, edit, or manipulate the source code of a software program

Câu hỏi 86: What is the best definition of ‘floppy disk drive’?

  • A data storage technique using a pattern of markings on a disc that can be read by a laser; examples include CD-ROM, and DVD-ROM technology
  • A legacy storage device which can read and write data slowly from a removable magnetic medium (normally 3.5″ in diameter and holding 1.44 MB of data)
  • A type of memory which is manufactured with permanent contents which cannot be modified
  • A type of storage using integrated circuits to store data; examples include RAM, ROM, and flash memory

Câu hỏi 87: What is the best definition of ‘format’?

  • A confidential authentication information composed of a string of characters
  • Software which converts the data from a component or peripheral into data that an operating system can use
  • To magnetically prepare or a disk to receive data or erase and prepare an existing disk drive
  • To start a program on a computer

Câu hỏi 88: What is the best definition of ‘freeware’?

  • A computer failure due to faulty hardware or a serious software bug
  • Software distributed without cost by the developer which normally cannot be modified or sold without permission
  • Software in which the license stipulates that the user cannot see, edit, or manipulate the source code of a software program
  • Something a computer program is “supposed” to do; these are often reasons to use a particular program or upgrade to a more recent version

Câu hỏi 89: What is the best definition of ‘GUI’ or ‘graphical user interface’?

  • ✅ This is a icon based computer interface designed to be easier to learn and use than earlier command line interfaces. Windows and Mac OS are the most common examples of this type of interface
  • A software program which mimics the performance of a hardware device in order to run securely or independent of the actual hardware
  • All the above
  • Software which converts the data from a component or peripheral into data that an operating system can use

Câu hỏi 90: What is the best definition of ‘hard disk drive’?

  • A data storage technique using a pattern of markings on a disc that can be read by a laser; examples include CD-ROM, and DVD-ROM technology
  • A legacy storage device using magnetic tape; normally reading and writing data slower rate and used for backups.
  • A storage device using rotating magnetic platters to quickly store and retrieve digital data
  • All the above

Câu hỏi 91: What is the best definition of ‘input device’?

  • A handheld input device for computers with one or more buttons and a rounded body meant to be slid around on a pad or flat surface.
  • A peripheral used primarily to enter data into a computer
  • An input device or mouse alternative using a sensitive rectangular surface and a stylus
  • An input device using a light-sensitive pen shaped handle which can be used to draw on the computer screen

Câu hỏi 92: What is the best definition of ‘joystick’?

  • A peripheral used primarily to enter data into a computer
  • All the above
  • An input device with a vertical rod mounted on a base used to control pointing devices or on-screen objects; normally with one or more buttons
  • To press the right-side mouse button

Câu hỏi 93: What is the best definition of ‘kernel’?

  • A name that identifies a series of bits stored on a computer or computer media
  • Software in which the license stipulates that the user cannot see, edit, or manipulate the source code of a software program
  • The fundamental part of an operating system responsible for providing access to the machine’s hardware
  • This is a icon based computer interface designed to be easier to learn and use than earlier command line interfaces. Windows and Mac OS are the most common examples of this type of interface

Câu hỏi 94: What is the best definition of ‘legacy system’?

  • A computer designed for use by one person at a time
  • A physical or software device connecting and facilitating a network with a printer
  • All the above
  • An older computer system that continues to be used because an organization does not wish to redesign it with a more modern device.

Câu hỏi 95: What is the best definition of ‘magnetic storage’?

  • A legacy storage device using magnetic tape; normally reading and writing data slower rate and used for backups
  • A newer data storage device meant to replace a traditional hard disk drive; these are characterized by non-moving parts and lower energy consumption
  • A storage technique using patterns of magnetized particles on a metallic surface to store data; examples include hard disk drives, tape drives, floppy disk drives
  • A type of storage using integrated circuits to store data; examples include RAM, ROM, and flash memory

Câu hỏi 96: What is the best definition of ‘microphone’?

  • ✅ A hardware device plugged into a computer’s sound card optimized for voice commands or other audio recording
  • A display that also acts as an input device by allowing a user to navigate a program by touching specific locations of the screen.
  • The ability of a computer to convert spoken words from a user into usable data.
  • To press the right-side mouse button

Câu hỏi 97: What is the best definition of ‘mouse pointer’?

  • A hardware peripheral designed to ‘scan’ products into an inventory tracking system.
  • A special icon (normally an arrow) that indicates the current location of the mouse on the desktop screen.
  • All the above
  • To press the right-side mouse button

Câu hỏi 98: What is the best definition of ‘netbook’?

  • A computer designed for use by one person at a time
  • A computer using a relatively slow and specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player
  • A high quality computer, typically with lots of RAM, plenty of CPU power, and a high quality video card
  • A small laptop with less powerful components meant for surfing the web, reading email, and other basic tasks.

Câu hỏi 99: What is the best definition of ‘object-oriented language’?

  • A measure of how easily programs can be moved to a new system without having to make any changes.
  • A program that takes human readable code and turns it into machine readable code
  • An application which stores information that often needs to be accessed quickly such as appointments, contacts, notes, lists and memos
  • Any programming language that allows modelling of real-world object and concepts

Câu hỏi 100: What is the best definition of ‘open source’?

  • A computer failure due to faulty hardware or a serious software bug
  • A program in which the code is distributed allowing programmers to alter and change the original software as much as they like
  • Software distributed without cost by the developer which normally cannot be modified or sold without permission
  • Software in which the license stipulates that the user cannot see, edit, or manipulate the source code of a software program

Câu hỏi 101: What is the best definition of ‘optical storage’?

  • A data storage technique using a pattern of markings on a disc that can be read by a laser; examples include CD-ROM, and DVD-ROM technology
  • A legacy storage device using magnetic tape; normally reading and writing data slower rate and used for backups
  • A legacy storage device which can read and write data slowly from a removable magnetic medium (normally 3.5″ in diameter and holding 1.44 MB of data)
  • A non-volatile (permanent) memory type that is erasable via ultra-violet light and reprogrammable

Câu hỏi 102: What is the best definition of ‘OS’ or ‘operating system’?

  • ✅ A GUI or CLI software link between the computer and operator; also provides a framework for productivity software such as an office suite, web browser, or programming languages
  • A name that identifies a series of bits stored on a computer or computer media
  • This is a icon based computer interface designed to be easier to learn and use than earlier command line interfaces. Windows and Mac OS are the most common examples of this type of interface
  • To magnetically prepare or a disk to receive data or erase and prepare an existing disk drive

Câu hỏi 103: What is the best definition of ‘PC’ or ‘personal computer’?

  • ✅ A computer designed for use by one person at a time
  • A computer using a relatively slow and specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player
  • A physical or software device connecting and facilitating a network with a printer
  • All the above

Câu hỏi 104: What is the best definition of ‘PDA’ or ‘personal digital assistant’?

  • ✅ A handheld computer about the size of wallet used as an organizer, web browser, game machine, mobile phone, or message recorder; also known as a hand-held computer
  • A computer designed for use by one person at a time
  • A type of computer intended primarily for central distribution of data to other computers on the same network
  • Refers to only the most powerful class of computer, typically designed to perform specialized tasks such as weather prediction, governmental financial calculations, or space research.

Câu hỏi 105: What is the best definition of ‘portability’?

  • ✅ A measure of how easily programs can be moved to a new system without having to make any changes
  • A program that takes human readable code and turns it into machine readable code
  • A programming style that is based on a step-by-step approach to solving a problem.
  • Rules governing the structure of a programming language

Câu hỏi 106: What is the best definition of ‘presentation program’?

  • ✅ An application used to present and communicate ideas and procedures to a group; examples are PowerPoint, Impress, and Keynote
  • A measure of how easily programs can be moved to a new system without having to make any changes
  • An application which stores information that often needs to be accessed quickly such as appointments, contacts, notes, lists and memos.
  • Repeatable data which occurs at the top of every document

Câu hỏi 107: What is the best definition of ‘print server’?

  • ✅ A physical or software device connecting and facilitating a network with a printer
  • A computer designed for use by one person at a time
  • All the above
  • The evolution of devices towards common functionality

Câu hỏi 108: What is the best definition of ‘procedural language’?

  • ✅ A programming style that is based on a step-by-step approach to solving a problem.
  • A measure of how easily programs can be moved to a new system without having to make any changes.
  • A program that takes human readable code and turns it into machine readable code
  • Concise, clean, and clear code which allows other developers to understand and extend it

Câu hỏi 109: What is the best definition of ‘programmer’?

  • ✅ A person who writes or modifies computer programs or applications
  • A person who uses a product or service on a computer
  • A person who writes intentionally controversial posts on a user forum in order to start a flame war.
  • All the above

Câu hỏi 110: What is the best definition of ‘proprietary’?

  • ✅ Privately developed and owned technology
  • A program in which the code is distributed allowing programmers to alter and change the original software as much as they like
  • All the above
  • Data programmed into a hardware device which provides its basic functionality; normally in the form of an EPROM

Câu hỏi 111: What is the best definition of ‘RAM’ or ‘random access memory’?

  • A data storage technique using a pattern of markings on a disc that can be read by a laser; examples include CD-ROM, and DVD-ROM technology
  • A legacy storage device which can read and write data slowly from a removable magnetic medium (normally 3.5″ in diameter and holding 1.44 MB of data
  • A type of computer memory known for being volatile (temporary) and fast.
  • A type of memory which is manufactured with permanent contents which cannot be modified

Câu hỏi 112: What is the best definition of ‘right-click’?

  • ✅ To press the right-side mouse button
  • An input device or mouse alternative using a sensitive rectangular surface and a stylus
  • An input device using a light-sensitive pen shaped handle which can be used to draw on the computer screen
  • An input device with a vertical rod mounted on a base used to control pointing devices or on-screen objects; normally with one or more buttons

Câu hỏi 113: What is the best definition of ‘ROM’ or ‘read-only memory’?

  • A storage technique using patterns of magnetized particles on a metallic surface to store data; examples include hard disk drives, tape drives, floppy disk drives
  • A type of memory which is manufactured with permanent contents which cannot be modified
  • A type of storage using integrated circuits to store data; examples include RAM, ROM, and flash memory
  • All the above

Câu hỏi 114: What is the best definition of ‘router’?

  • A computer using a relatively slow and specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player
  • A portable computer shaped in the form of a notebook and capable of advanced handwriting recognition via use of a stylus or on-screen keyboard.
  • A specialized computer which connects two networks
  • Refers to only the most powerful class of computer, typically designed to perform specialized tasks such as weather prediction, governmental financial calculations, or space research.

Câu hỏi 115: What is the best definition of ‘semiconductor storage’?

  • A legacy storage device using magnetic tape; normally reading and writing data slower rate and used for backups.
  • A type of storage using integrated circuits to store data; examples include RAM, ROM, and flash memory
  • All the above
  • This is either dedicated or shared memory set aside specifically for the graphics processor

Câu hỏi 116: What is the best definition of ‘server’?

  • A computer designed for use by one person at a time
  • A physical or software device connecting and facilitating a network with a printer
  • A type of computer intended primarily for central distribution of data to other computers on the same network
  • The evolution of devices towards common functionality

Câu hỏi 117: What is the best definition of ‘speech recognition’?

  • A handheld input device for computers with one or more buttons and a rounded body meant to be slid around on a pad or flat surface
  • A hardware device plugged into a computer’s sound card optimized for voice commands or other audio recording
  • An input device using a light-sensitive pen shaped handle which can be used to draw on the computer screen
  • The ability of a computer to convert spoken words from a user into usable data.

Câu hỏi 118: What is the best definition of ‘SSD’ or ‘solid state drive’?

  • A newer data storage device meant to replace a traditional hard disk drive; these are characterized by non-moving parts and lower energy consumption
  • A type of memory which is manufactured with permanent contents which cannot be modified
  • A type of storage using integrated circuits to store data; examples include RAM, ROM, and flash memory
  • All the above

Câu hỏi 119: What is the best definition of ‘supercomputer’

  • A computer using a relatively slow and specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player
  • A physical or software device connecting and facilitating a network with a printer
  • A small laptop with less powerful components meant for surfing the web, reading email, and other basic tasks
  • Refers to only the most powerful class of computer, typically designed to perform specialized tasks such as weather prediction, governmental financial calculations, or space research.

Câu hỏi 120: What is the best definition of ‘syntax’?

  • A measure of how easily programs can be moved to a new system without having to make any changes.
  • A program that takes human readable code and turns it into machine readable code
  • Concise, clean, and clear code which allows other developers to understand and extend it
  • Rules governing the structure of a programming language

Câu hỏi 121: What is the best definition of ‘tablet PC’?

  • A computer designed for use by one person at a time
  • A portable computer shaped in the form of a notebook and capable of advanced handwriting recognition via use of a stylus or on-screen keyboard.
  • A type of computer intended primarily for central distribution of data to other computers on the same network
  • Refers to only the most powerful class of computer, typically designed to perform specialized tasks such as weather prediction, governmental financial calculations, or space research.

Câu hỏi 122: What is the best definition of ‘tape drive’?

  • A legacy storage device using magnetic tape; normally reading and writing data slower rate and used for backups
  • A legacy storage device which can read and write data slowly from a removable magnetic medium (normally 3.5″ in diameter and holding 1.44 MB of data)
  • A type of memory which is manufactured with permanent contents which cannot be modified
  • A type of storage using integrated circuits to store data; examples include RAM, ROM, and flash memory

Câu hỏi 123: What is the best definition of ‘video memory’?

  • A legacy storage device which can read and write data slowly from a removable magnetic medium (normally 3.5″ in diameter and holding 1.44 MB of data)
  • A type of computer memory known for being volatile (temporary) and fast
  • A type of memory which is manufactured with permanent contents which cannot be modified
  • This is either dedicated or shared memory set aside specifically for the graphics processor

Câu hỏi 124: What is the best definition of ‘Windows’?

  • ✅ A family of operating systems created by Microsoft; normally divided into the “9x” series of MS-DOS based systems and the “NT” series (NT,2000,XP,Vista)
  • A GUI or CLI software link between the computer and operator; also provides a framework for productivity software such as an office suite, web browser, or programming languages
  • A set of strict rules for controlling read, write, and execute access to a file or directory
  • All the above

Câu hỏi 125: What is the best definition of ‘workstation’?

  • A computer designed for use by one person at a time
  • A high quality computer, typically with lots of RAM, plenty of CPU power, and a high quality video card
  • A portable computer shaped in the form of a notebook and capable of advanced handwriting recognition via use of a stylus or on-screen keyboard.
  • A portable computer with a built-in screen, integrated keyboard, and battery power; also called a ‘notebook’

Câu hỏi 126: What is the main difference between a mainframe and a super computer?

  • Super computer is much larger than mainframe computers
  • Super computers are much smaller than mainframe computers
  • Supercomputers are focused to execute as many programs as possible while mainframe uses its power to execute few programs as fast as possible
  • Supercomputers are focused to execute few programs as fast as possible while mainframe uses its power to execute as many programs concurrently

Câu hỏi 127: When surfing the Web, the browser interprets the HTML command found in a document file, and displays it as a

  • Applet page
  • Domain page
  • Java page
  • Web page

Câu hỏi 128: Which can read data and convert them to a form that a computer can use?

  • Control
  • Input device
  • Logic
  • Storage

Câu hỏi 129: Which device of computer operation dispenses with the use of the keyboard?

  • Joystick
  • Light pen
  • Mouse
  • Touch

Câu hỏi 130: Which is a secondary memory device?

  • ALU
  • CPU
  • Floppy disk
  • Mouse

Câu hỏi 131: Which is the limitation of high level language?

  • Lower efficiency
  • Machine dependence
  • Machine level coding
  • None of above

Câu hỏi 132: Which kind of hardware is used the most in the input phase of a computer based information system?

  • Hard disk
  • Keyboard
  • Monitor
  • Printer

Câu hỏi 133: Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program?

  • Assembly language
  • High level language
  • Machine language
  • None of above

Câu hỏi 134: Which memory is nonvolatile and may be written only once?

  • EP-ROM
  • PROM
  • RAM
  • SRAM

Câu hỏi 135: Which of the following have the fastest access time?

  • Compact Disks
  • Magnetic Disks
  • Magnetic Tapes
  • Semiconductor Memories

Câu hỏi 136: Which of the following is a secondary memory device?

  • All of the above
  • ALU
  • Disk
  • Keyboard

Câu hỏi 137: Which of the following is called low level languages?

  • ✅ Both of the above
  • Assembly language
  • Machine language
  • None of above

Câu hỏi 138: Which of the following is machine independence program?

  • ✅ High level language
  • Assembly language
  • Low level language
  • Machine language

Câu hỏi 139: Which of the following is not a primary storage device?

  • Magnetic disk
  • Magnetic tape
  • None of above
  • Optical disk

Câu hỏi 140: Which of the following is not a type of Software:

  • Application Software
  • Entertainment Software
  • System Software
  • Utility Software

Câu hỏi 141: Which of the following is not computer language?

  • All of the above
  • High level language
  • Low level language
  • Medium level language

Câu hỏi 142: Which of the following is not one of the basic elements of an e-mail message?

  • Footer
  • Header
  • Message
  • Signature

Câu hỏi 143: Which of the following is problem oriented language?

  • Assembly language
  • High level language
  • Low level language
  • Machine language

Câu hỏi 144: Which of the following is responsible for coordinating various operations using timing signals?

  • ✅ Control unit
  • Arithmetic-logic Unit
  • Input/output unit
  • Memory unit

Câu hỏi 145: Which of the following is used as a primary storage device?

  • All of these
  • Floppy disk
  • Magnetic drum
  • PROM

Câu hỏi 146: Which of the following memories needs refresh?

  • All of above
  • DRAM
  • ROM
  • SRAM

Câu hỏi 147: Which of the following memory is capable of operating at electronics speed?

  • ✅ Semiconductor memory
  • Magnetic disks
  • Magnetic drums
  • Magnetic tapes

Câu hỏi 148: Which of the ‘following statements is wrong?

  • An EPROM can be programmed, erased and reprogrammed by the user with an EPROM programming instrument
  • Magnetic core and semiconductor memories are used as mass memory medium
  • Magnetic tape is non volatile
  • RAM is a type of volatile memory

Câu hỏi 149: Which statement is valid about interpreter?

  • ✅ It translates one instruction at a time
  • All of above
  • Object code is saved for future use
  • Repeated interpretation is not necessary

Câu hỏi 150: Windows NT and UNIX are ……………………. for servers.

  • ✅ Two for leading operating systems
  • Two lead operating systems
  • Two leading operating systems
  • Two operating systems leading