Câu hỏi và đáp án môn Phân tích diễn ngôn EHOU, hỗ trợ học trực tuyến tại Đại học Mở Hà Nội
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Câu hỏi 1: ……….. expresses the relationship of identity which exists between units in discourse.
- Conjunction
- Ellipsis
- Reference
- Substitution
Câu hỏi 2: ………… reference points the reader or listener forwards.
- Anaphoric
- Cataphoric
- Endophoric
- Exophoric
Câu hỏi 3: …………..reference items are expressed through personal pronouns, possessive pronouns and possessive determiners.
- All are correct.
- Comparartive
- Demonstrative
- Personal
Câu hỏi 4: ‘not…but’ is the basic meaning of ……….
Corrective relations
- Adversative relation ‘proper’
- Contrastive relations
- Dismissive (generalized adversative) relations
Câu hỏi 5: ……. is not an anaphoric relation.
- Conjunction.
- Ellipsis
- Reference
- Substitution
Câu hỏi 6: …….. means either restating an item in a later part of the discourse by direct repetition or else reasserting its meaning by exploiting lexical relations.
- All are correct.
- Collocation
- Reiteration
- Repetition
Câu hỏi 7: ………. refers to the association of lexical items that regularly co-occur.
- Reiteration
- Repetition
- Synonymy
Câu hỏi 8: ……….. state(s) the ‘essence’ of the act, i.e., that the utterance ‘counts as’ speech act x or y or z.
Essential condition
- Preparatory conditions
- Propositional content conditions
- Sincerity condition
Câu hỏi 9: ………..is the relation between class and (direct) subclass.
- Antonymy
- Meronymy
- Superordinate
- Synonymy
Câu hỏi 10: ………..reference: points the reader/listener backwards to a previously mentioned entity, process or state.
- Cataphoric
- Endophoric
- Exophoric
Câu hỏi 11: ………..refers to the relationship between a particular text and other texts which share characteristics with it.
- Acceptabilty
- Informativity
- Intentionality
- Intertextuality
Câu hỏi 12: ……….is the use of one lexical item with the same meaning in more than one sentence.
- antonymy
- general word.
- Repetition
- synonymy
Câu hỏi 13: ……….refers to the relation between different words bearing the same meaning or nearly the same meaning.
- antonymy
- Repetition
- superodinate
- Synonymy
Câu hỏi 14: ……….refers to the use of nouns with general meanings to refer to some item with specific meanings.
General word
- Antonymy
- Meronymy
- Superordinate
Câu hỏi 15: …………refer to the information communicated by choosing a word which expresses one value from a scale of values.
- All are correct.
- Generalized conversational implicature
- Particularized conversational implicatures
- Scalar implicatures
Câu hỏi 16: …………refers to those pairs of opposites that are gradable such as thin>
- Complementary relation
- Contrary relation
- ordered series
- Relational opposite
Câu hỏi 17: ………context is the language that surrounds or accompanies the piece of discourse under analysis.
- All are correct.
- Experiential.
- Linguistic
- Non-linguistic.
Câu hỏi 18: ………presents a part/whole relationship.
- Antonymy
- Meronymy
- Superordinate
- Synonymy
Câu hỏi 19: ………refers to the situation giving rise to the discourse, and within which the discourse is embedded.
- Context
- Discourse
- Text
- Textuality
Câu hỏi 20: A ( n ) ……… act is the act of saying something which is meaningful and can be understood.
- All are correct.
- illocutionary
- perlocutionary
Câu hỏi 21: A ( n ) ……….. act is performed via the communicative force of an utterance.
- locutionary
- perlocutionary
- All are correct.
Câu hỏi 22: A ( n ) ……….. act is the results or effects that are produced by means of saying something.
- locutionary
- All are correct.
- illocutionary
Câu hỏi 23: A ……… act is the act of saying something which is meaningful and can be understood.
- All are correct.
- illocutionary
- locutionary
- perlocutionary
Câu hỏi 24: A ……….. act is performed via the communicative force of an utterance.
- All are correct.
- locutionary
- perlocutionary
Câu hỏi 25: A ……….. act is the results or effects that are produced by means of saying something.
- All are correct.
- illocutionary
- locutionary
- perlocutionary
Câu hỏi 26: A 3rd person form typically refers …….. to a preceding item in the text.
- anaphorically
- cataphorically
- endophorically
- exophorically
Câu hỏi 27: A discourse can be of any size as long as it forms a ( n )…….
meaningful whole
- group of sentences
- All are correct
- large stretch of language
Câu hỏi 28: A discourse can be of any size as long as it forms a…….
- All are correct
- group of sentences
- large stretch of language
- meaningful whole
Câu hỏi 29: A presupposition is something the speaker assumes to be the case …….. making an utterance.
- after
- All are correct.
- before
- while
Câu hỏi 30: According to Carthy (1993), cohesion is a guide to …..
- coherence.
- informativity
- intentionality
- Intertextuality
Câu hỏi 31: According to David Nunan, (1993), …. can be related, not only in terms of the idea they share, but also in terms of their functions within the discourse.
- All are correct.
- Phrases
- sentences
- words
Câu hỏi 32: According to Dell Hymes, the context consists of ……. elements.
- 10
- 11
- 8
- 9
Câu hỏi 33: According to Halliday & Hasan, (1976), discourse is …….
- a grammatical unit
- a unit of form
- a unit of language in use
- isolated words or sentences.
Câu hỏi 34: According to Halliday & Hasan, substitution is a relation within the text on the ……….. level.
- grammatical
- lexical
- syntactical
Câu hỏi 35: According to J. R. Firth, all meaning was ……. .
- All are correct.
- context-free.
- form-based
- function in context.
Câu hỏi 36: According to J. R. Firth, by studying conversations can we understand………….. better
- All are correct.
- language and its form
- language and its function
- Language and its structure
Câu hỏi 37: According to J. R. Firth, the context consists of …….elements.
- 2
- 3
- 4.
- 5
Câu hỏi 38: According to Nunan (1993) there are ……..types of context
- five
- four
- three
- two
Câu hỏi 39: According to Searles, Could you lend me a pen, please? is a ……….
- commissive
- expressive
- representative
Câu hỏi 40: According to Searles, Could you lend me a pen, please? is a ( n ) ……….
- commissive
- expressive
- representative
Câu hỏi 41: According to Searles, Declarations are those kinds of speech acts that …….. the world via their utterance.
- change
- describe.
- fit
- None is correct.
Câu hỏi 42: According to Searles, We will not do that. is a ……….
- commissive
- directive
- expressive
- representative
Câu hỏi 43: According to Searles, We will not do that. is a ( n ) ……….
- representative
- expressive
- directive
Câu hỏi 44: Actions performed via utterances are generally called……….
speech acts
- All are correct.
- speaking acts
- utterance acts
Câu hỏi 45: Apologize, thank, deplore, compliment are examples of ………..
- behabitives
- commissives
- exercitives
- verdictives
Câu hỏi 46: appoint, dismiss, degrade, name, order, sentence are examples of ……….
- behabitives
- commissives
- exercitives
- verdictives
Câu hỏi 47: Based on………, reference is classified into exophoric and endophoric reference.
- All are correct.
- its function
- pointing direction
- reference realisation
Câu hỏi 48: Bert: Do you like ice-cream?Ernie: Is the Pope Catholic.Which maxim is violated in the above text?
- Manner
- Quality
- Quantity
Câu hỏi 49: Clausal substitution is expressed through ………. .
- All are correct.
- so and not
- such and not
- such and so
Câu hỏi 50: Coherence is concerned with the ……….. sequencing of the arrangement of the information, the concepts and relation of the textual world which underlie and are realized by the surface text.
- illogical
- logical.
- random
- surface
Câu hỏi 51: Coherence is the feeling that a text …….
hangs together.
- belongs to a particular genre.
- contains information
- has a formal surface relationship
Câu hỏi 52: Cohesion is concerned with formal surface structures (syntax and lexis) to interact with underlying …….. relations or underlying functional coherence to create textual unity.
- All are correct.
- pragmatic
- semantic
- Syntactic
Câu hỏi 53: Contrary, complementary, relational opposite and ordered series are the four subtypes of ……….
- antonymy
- meronymy
- superordinate
- synonymy
Câu hỏi 54: Echoing and auxiliary contrasting are the two types of ………
- clausal ellipsis
- nominal ellipsis
- None is correct.
- verbal ellipsis
Câu hỏi 55: Felicity conditions are those conditions for the performance of a speech act to be recognized ………….
All are correct.
- as intended
- as speech act x, y, or z
- as such
Câu hỏi 56: First and second person forms are normally interpreted ……… by reference to the situation.
- anaphorically
- cataphorically
- endophorically
Câu hỏi 57: Grammatical cohesion is the surface marking of …….. links between clauses and sentences in written discourse, and between utterances and turns in speech.
- All are correct.
- pragmatic
- syntactic
Câu hỏi 58: Grammatical cohesive devices include reference, substitution, ellipsis and ……….
- apposition.
- conjunction
- co-ordination
- subordination.
Câu hỏi 59: grouped illocutionary acts into ………. classes.
- five
- four
- six
- three
Câu hỏi 60: Halliday & Hasan divides verbal ellipsis into ………
lexical and operator ellipsis.
- lexical and echoing ellipsis
- operator and auxiliary contrasting ellipsis.
- operator and echoing ellipsis.
Câu hỏi 61: He couldn’t live without her, I guess.In the above sentence, I guess is …….
- a manner hedge
- a quality hedge
- a quantity hedge
- a relation hedge
Câu hỏi 62: How many elements are there in Halliday’s model of context?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Câu hỏi 63: I’m not sure if this makes sense, but the car had no lights.In the above sentence, I’m not sure if this makes sense is …….
a manner hedge
- a quality hedge
- a quantity hedge
- a relation hedge
Câu hỏi 64: In Dell Hymes’ model of context, Code is a term which is used instead of …….
- evaluation of the text
- language
- text-type
- the time and place of a speech event
Câu hỏi 65: Informativity depends on the notions of …… and probability.
- choice
- interchangeability
- Knowledgeability
- predictability
Câu hỏi 66: It’s the way I like to go to work. One person and one line of enquiry at a time. Otherwise, there’s a muddle.
In the above text, otherwise is a ( n )………. conjunction.
- additive
- adversative
- temporal
Câu hỏi 67: It’s the way I like to go to work. One person and one line of enquiry at a time. Otherwise, there’s a muddle.In the above text, otherwise is a………. conjunction.
- additive
- adversative
- causal
- temporal
Câu hỏi 68: Lexical cohesion is divided into reiteration and ……….
- apposition.
- collocation
- coordination
- subordination
Câu hỏi 69: Linguistically, written language tends to consist of clauses that are…….
- All are correct.
- internally complex.
- simply structured.
- structurally independent.
Câu hỏi 70: Most of the instances of the substitute one/ones are ……….. .
- All are correct.
- anaphoric
- cataphoric
- exophoric
Câu hỏi 71: Nominal substitution is the use of a substitute item to replace the ………. of a corresponding noun phrase.
- All are correct.
- Head noun
- Postmodification
- Premodification
Câu hỏi 72: Not to change the subject, but is this related to the budget?In the above sentence, Not to change the subject is …….
- a manner hedge
- a quality hedge
- a quantity hedge
- a relation hedge
Câu hỏi 73: Passives, it-clefts or wh-clefts are common in…….
- All are correct.
- spoken and written texts
- spoken language
- written language
Câu hỏi 74: People, object, place, creature are examples of………
- Antonymy
- General words
- Meronymy
- Superordinate
Câu hỏi 75: Performative verb is a verb that ………….. names the illocutionary act being performed.
- implicitly
- None is correct.
- vaguely
Câu hỏi 76: Pragmatics is the study of how more gets communicated than is………..
- done
- said
- shown
- signalled
Câu hỏi 77: Presuppositions ………. under negation.
- always change
- None is correct.
- remain constant
- sometimes change
Câu hỏi 78: References to assumed, shared worlds outside the text are ……..reference.
- anaphoric.
- cataphoric
- endophoric.
- exophoric
Câu hỏi 79: References to the entity/items within the text are …….. references.
- anaphoric
- cataphoric
- endophoric
- exophoric
Câu hỏi 80: Reiteration includes repetition, synonymy, antonymy, superodinate,……..and general word.
- homonymy
- metaphor
- metonymy
Câu hỏi 81: So, to cut a long story short, we grabbed our stuff and ran.In the above sentence, to cut a long story short is …….
a quantity hedge
- a manner hedge
- a quality hedge
- a relation hedge
Câu hỏi 82: Spoken language contains many ……, often simply sequences of phrases.
- incomplete sentences
- internally complex
- subordinate clauses.
- well-structured sentences
Câu hỏi 83: The action performed by producing an utterance consists of ……. related acts.
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Câu hỏi 84: The basic meaning of the …….. is ‘contrary to expectation’.
- additive relation
- adversative relation
- causal relation
- temporal relation
Câu hỏi 85: The basic meaning of the …….. is ‘there is something more to be said’.
- additive relation
- adversative relation
- causal relation
- temporal relation
Câu hỏi 86: The Cooperative principle consists of ……… maxims.
- five
- three
- two
Câu hỏi 87: The first official studies on discourse appeared in….
- the 1920s
- the 1930s.
- the 1940s.
- the 1950s.
Câu hỏi 88: The interpretation of one sentence …….. without looking back at the previous sentences or referring to the coming ones.
- All are correct.
- can be achieved
- is hardly achieved
- is likely to be achieved
Câu hỏi 89: The overhearers or unintended addressees are referred to as….. in Dell Hymes’ model of context.
- audience
- channel
- setting
- topic
Câu hỏi 90: The relation between furninture and table, desk, chair, bed is that of ……..
- Antonymy
- Meronymy
- Synonymy
Câu hỏi 91: The syntax of spoken language is typically ……. structured…. that of written language.
much less….than1923
- All are correct.
- as much….as
- much more…..than
Câu hỏi 92: The three environments in which clausal substitution takes place are ………….
- comparison, modality and condition
- report, comparison and condition
- report, condition and modality
- report, modality and comparison
Câu hỏi 93: The topic, the purpose of the event and the setting belong to ….. context.
- All are correct.
- formal
- linguistic
Câu hỏi 94: The writer is …… the speaker.
- All are correct.
- as implicit as
- less implicit than
- more implicit than
Câu hỏi 95: There are ………. types of substitution.
- 2
- 4
- 5
Câu hỏi 96: There is …….. of discourse kinds which consist of only one word/phrase/sentence.
a small number
- a considerable number
- a large number
- a number
Câu hỏi 97: There is a ( n ) ……. relationship between discourse and context.
- limited
- overt
- unilateral
Câu hỏi 98: There is a ……. relationship between discourse and context.
- dialectical
- limited
- overt
- unilateral
Câu hỏi 99: Those conjunctions like likewise, similarly, in the same way, in (just) this way express ………
- Appositive relations
- Comparative relations
- Complex additive relations
- Simple additive relations
Câu hỏi 100: Under the influence of Bloomfield, and then Chomsky, linguists focused on ……….. problems of language for many decades.
- All are correct.
- formal and structural
- functional
- semantic
Câu hỏi 101: Utterances are not only dependant on the physical context for their interpretations, they are also …… the language surrounding them.
closely related to
- independent of
- isolated from
- slightly related to
Câu hỏi 102: What does Addresser refer to in Dell Hymes’ model of context?
- Only the speaker
- Only the writer
- the hearer or the reader
- the speaker or the writer
Câu hỏi 103: What type of conjunction is ‘only’ in the following text?I’d love to join in. Only I don’t know how to play.
- additive
- adversative
- causal
- temporal
Câu hỏi 104: What type of reference is essentially a form of verbal pointing?
- All are correct.
- Comparative
- Personal
Câu hỏi 105: What type of reference is expressed through adjectives and adverbs and serves to compare items within a text in terms of identity or similarity?
- All are correct.
- Comparative
- Demonstrative
- Personal
Câu hỏi 106: Whenever there is an indirect relationship between a structure and a……….., we have an indirect speech act.
- All are correct.
- meaning
- proposition
Câu hỏi 107: Which does NOT belong to the Manner maxim?
Be relevant.
- Avoid ambiguity.
- Avoid obscurity of expression.
- Be brief
Câu hỏi 108: Which is NOT a felicity condition on the successful performance of the act of Promising?
- The event will not happen by itself.
- The event will not have a beneficial effect.
- The future event will be a future act of the speaker.
- The utterance changes the speaker’s state from non-obligation to obligation.
Câu hỏi 109: Which is NOT an IFID?
- intonation
- performative verb
- word order
Câu hỏi 110: Which type of clausal substitution is perhaps not?
- Substitution of comparative clauses
- Substitution of conditional clauses
- Substitution of modalized clauses
- Substitution of reported clauses
Câu hỏi 111: Which type of presupposition is in the King of Sweden?
- Existential
- Factive
- Lexical
- Structural
Câu hỏi 112: Which type of presupposition is in Where did you go last night??
- Existential
- Factive
- Lexical
Câu hỏi 113: Why did you come home late last night? / I won’t tell you why.The type of ellipsis that takes place after why is………..
- clausal ellipsis
- nominal ellipsis
- None is correct.
- verbal ellipsis