Tổng hợp câu hỏi và đáp án Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cơ bản

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Tổng hợp câu hỏi và đáp án Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cơ bản ngành Ngôn ngữ Anh, học trực tuyến Đại học Thái Nguyên E-Learning

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Choose the correct answer for the given imperative ‘Do________quiet!

  • be
  • been
  • being
  • To be

Answer: Be

Choose the correct answer for the given imperative ‘He told her not_______his mother his secret.’

  • tell
  • telling
  • To tell
  • told

Answer: To tell

Choose the correct answer for the given imperative ‘No ………..’

  • Smoke
  • smoked
  • smoking
  • To smoke

Answer: smoking

Choose the correct answer for the given imperative ‘She asked me _______ the report’

  • To write
  • write
  • writing
  • wrote

Answer: To write

Choose the correct answer for the given imperative ‘Will you______a coffee please’

  • made
  • make
  • making
  • To make

Answer: made

Choose the correct answer:Every staff member ……. to be trained in security procedures to ensure the safety of customer’s private information.

  • is required
  • requirement
  • requires
  • requiring

Answer: is required

Choose the correct answer:Everyone on the board of directors …….. with the planned merger.

  • agree
  • agreeing
  • agrees
  • have agreed

Answer: agrees

Choose the correct answer:Not only the painting method but also the colors …………… the intervest of art critics.

  • arouses
  • arousing
  • has aroused
  • have aroused

Answer: have aroused

Choose the correct answer:Success in business ……… certain strategies that satisfy both the employer and the employees.

  • is required
  • require
  • requires
  • requiring

Answer: requires

Choose the correct answer:Thanks to the recent anti-smoking campaign, the number of smokers in the country ………

  • has reduced
  • have reduced
  • reduce
  • to reduce

Answer: has reduced

Choose the correct answer:The decision regarding the merger of the two companies …… to the public yesterday.

  • announced
  • announcing
  • was announced
  • were announced

Answer: was announced

Choose the correct answer:The regulations governing animal research ……… many provisions to safeguard animal welfare.

  • contain
  • contains
  • have been contained
  • is containing

Answer: contain

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘A giant asteroid hit the Earth in the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago. Scientists have reached a conclusion they’re pretty confident about: that __ (cause) the extinction of the big dinosaurs.’

  • may have caused
  • might have caused
  • must have caused
  • should have caused

Answer: must have caused

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘Beatrice can’t come to the door right now – she …………. a shower. (have)’

  • had
  • Have
  • Is having
  • To have

Answer: Is having

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘David …………….. three motorbikes and two cars. (own)’

  • Owing
  • Own
  • Owned
  • Owns

Answer: Owns

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘Detective, my son __ (not/steal) that car last Sunday afternoon. He was getting married at that time in front of 200 guests!’

  • couldn’t have stolen
  • may not have stolen
  • might not have stolen
  • shouldn’t have stolen

Answer: couldn’t have stolen

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘Give me a moment, please; I …………. about what to do. (think)’

  • Am thinking
  • Have thought
  • Think
  • Thought

Answer: Think

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘Hannah has ………………. very hard recently – I’m not surprised she looks so tired. (work)’

  • Been worked
  • Been working
  • Work
  • Worked

Answer: Been working

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘How long has Adam ………….. to be a policeman? (want)’

  • want
  • wanted
  • wanting
  • wants

Answer: wanted

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘I …………. anyone who smokes cigarettes is crazy. (think)’

  • Am thinking
  • Have thought
  • Think
  • Thought

Answer: Think

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘I didn’t know who to ask for help in choosing an American college.Oh, you __ (talk) to Karen – she’s our school’s university adviser.’

  • could have talked
  • had to have talked
  • must have talked
  • should have talked

Answer: could have talked

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘I was at the DMV office yesterday. I __ (renew) my driver’s license.’

  • had to renew
  • may have renewed
  • must have renewed
  • Should have renewed

Answer: had to renew

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘I’m not sure where the boss went this morning. He __ (go) to our other branch office in Glendale.’

  • may have gone
  • must have gone
  • should have gone
  • would have gone

Answer: may have gone

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘I’ve ……………. to call you all morning. Why didn’t you answer? (try)’

  • Been trying
  • Tried
  • Try
  • trying

Answer: Been trying

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘I’ve ………………. my husband to fix that broken door handle for months. (ask)’

  • Ask
  • Asked
  • Asks
  • Been asking

Answer: Been asking

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘My wife made me go shopping with her last Saturday, but I (rather / go) fishing instead.’

  • must have gone
  • Should have gone
  • would have gone
  • would rather have gone

Answer: would rather have gone

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘Taylor Swift’s latest boyfriend just left her for a younger girl who isn’t even famous. She __ (not / be) happy when she found out! (She’ll probably write a song about it.)’

  • can’t have been
  • might have been
  • shouldn’t have been
  • would rather have been

Answer: shouldn’t have been

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘That smart girl studied a lot, so she __ (do) well on the test, but she didn’t.’

  • may have done
  • might have done
  • must have done
  • should have done

Answer: should have done

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘The big grammar test is today. I’m in trouble – I __ (study) last night, but I didn’t!’

  • may have studied
  • might have studied
  • should have studied
  • should of studied

Answer: should have studied

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘We …………. a bath in our flat, not a shower. (have)’

  • had
  • Have
  • Is having
  • To have

Answer: Have

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘We’ve ……………. about the problem for a long time. (know)’

  • Been known
  • Knew
  • know
  • known

Answer: known

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘Who broke the big vase in the back office?It __ (be) Brian – he’s very clumsy.’

  • may have been
  • might have been
  • ought to have been
  • should have been

Answer: ought to have been

Choose the correct form of given verb for the sentence below:‘Wow, Sally has never missed a day of work before.Well, she was coughing yesterday, and she didn’t look good. She __ (get) sick.’

  • Had better have gotten
  • must have gotten
  • ought to have gotten
  • should have gotten

Answer: must have gotten

Choose the correct Object Complements for:He considers his favorite activity ………………………

  • Being play football
  • played football
  • playing football
  • To play football

Answer: playing football

Choose the correct Object Complements for:He postpones …………………………. his computer.

  • restart
  • restarted
  • restarting
  • To restart

Answer: restarting

Choose the correct Object Complements for:I forgot ………………………… before I left home.

  • lock
  • locked
  • locking
  • to lock

Answer: to lock

Choose the correct Object Complements for:Smoking seems …………………………………. In public place.

  • Ban
  • baning
  • To ban
  • to be banned

Answer: to be banned

Choose the correct Object Complements for:The president will attempt ……………………………….

  • Being reducing inflation rate
  • reduce inflation rate
  • reducing inflation rate
  • to reduce inflation rate

Answer: to reduce inflation rate

Choose the correct Object Complements for:They finish …………………………..

  • Being practice guitar.
  • practice guitar.
  • practicing guitar.
  • To practice guitar.

Answer: practicing guitar.

Choose the correct Object Complements for:We love …………………………………. In the garden.

  • cooked
  • cooking
  • Is cooking
  • To cook

Answer: cooking

Choose the correct type of the given sentence ‘Grandmother told us a story.’

  • imperative
  • negation
  • question
  • statement

Answer: statement

Choose the correct type of the given sentence ‘Move this bookshelf to the left.’

  • imperative
  • negation
  • question
  • statement

Answer: imperative

Choose the correct type of the given sentence ‘What a lovely red dress!’

  • exclamation
  • imperative
  • question
  • statement

Answer: exclamation

Complete the sentence with the correct word(s) in the branket: ‘Many elderly people get ……… because of these viruses.’

  • sick
  • comfortably
  • easily
  • sadly

Answer: sick

Complete the sentences with the correct linking verbs provided ‘The children … happy.’

  • feel
  • prove
  • Taste
  • turns

Answer: feel

Complete the sentences with the correct linking verbs provided ‘The leaves … brown.’

  • turn
  • feel
  • prove
  • Taste

Answer: turn

Complete the sentences with the correct linking verbs provided ‘The perfume … jasmine.’

  • smells
  • feel
  • prove
  • Taste

Answer: smells

Complete the sentences with the correct linking verbs provided ‘The princess … so beautiful.’

  • looks
  • feel
  • Taste
  • turn

Answer: looks

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘B4 dropped 4 cups ………. were new.’

  • which
  • what
  • who
  • whom

Answer: which

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘David told me ………… him that night if I felt like chatting.’

  • to phone
  • phoned
  • phoning
  • should phoned

Answer: to phone

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘Do you still remember the day ……… we first met?’

  • when
  • that
  • where
  • which

Answer: when

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘Don’t switch off the computer. New updates…………………’

  • are being installed
  • are installed
  • Have been installed
  • will being installed

Answer: are being installed

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘Every year millions of people ………….. for cancer.’

  • are treated
  • Are being treated
  • Have been treated
  • Will be treated

Answer: are treated

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘He told me that ……… he knew her hobbies, he could let me know.’

  • if
  • for
  • since
  • why

Answer: if

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘He told me that he ………… sure she would help if I asked her.’

  • was
  • Had been
  • Were
  • Would be

Answer: was

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘He worked for a woman ……… used to be an artist.’

  • who
  • that
  • whom
  • whose

Answer: who

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘I couldn’t move the piano alone, so I asked Tom_______.’

  • to give a hand
  • gave a hand
  • give a hand
  • giving a hand

Answer: to give a hand

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘I have two sisters, both of ……… are students.’

  • whom
  • that
  • them
  • who

Answer: whom

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘I said that I had met her _____.’

  • the previous day
  • the before day.
  • the day
  • yesterday

Answer: the previous day

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘I tasted the cake ……… and it tasted too …………’

  • Carefully …… sweet
  • Happily ……. comfortably
  • quite ……. quitely
  • Sick …….. sadly

Answer: Carefully …… sweet

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘I told him ………….. a record of his expenses’

  • to keep
  • keep
  • kept
  • should keep

Answer: to keep

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘I wouldn’t go to school by bus if I …….. a driving licence.’

  • had
  • have
  • Have had
  • Would have

Answer: had

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘If I ………… stronger, I’d help you carry the piano.’

  • were
  • am
  • was
  • Will be

Answer: were

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘If I had my life over again, I …… to university to study history’

  • would go
  • go
  • have gone
  • would have gone

Answer: would go

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘If I hadn’t studied, I …………………. the exam.’

  • would not have passed
  • Haven’t passed
  • not pass
  • Would not break

Answer: would not have passed

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘If she …………. him every day, she’d be lovesick..’

  • didn’t see
  • Have seen
  • Sees
  • Would see

Answer: didn’t see

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘If she was in London, he ………… my sister’

  • Would meet
  • could have met
  • Might meet
  • Will meet

Answer: Would meet

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘If we ………… him tomorrow, we’ll say hello.’

  • meet
  • will meet
  • would have met
  • would meet

Answer: Would meet

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘If we’d seen you, we ……….’

  • would have stopped
  • stop
  • Will stop
  • Wuold stop

Answer: would have stopped

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘If you ………… him, I’m sure he’d help us’

  • Asked
  • Ask
  • Would ask
  • Would have askes

Answer: Asked

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘If you drop the vase, it ……………’

  • will break
  • break
  • Have broken
  • Would break

Answer: will break

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘In most countries cigarettes ……………….. to anyone under 18.’

  • are not sold
  • Being sold
  • Will be sold
  • Will sell

Answer: are not sold

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘It ………… to take photos inside.’

  • is forbidden
  • Have been forbidden
  • is being forbidden
  • will be forbidden

Answer: is forbidden

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘Lam met a girl ……….. I used to employ.’

  • who
  • that
  • which
  • whom

Answer: is forbidden

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘Listen. You ………………. the job at McDonald’s.’

  • have been offered
  • are being offered
  • are offered
  • will be offered

Answer: have been offered

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘Look. Nothing ………………. in this room.

  • has been changed
  • is being changed
  • is changed
  • will be changed

Answer: has been changed

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘Mr John said that they ……….. lunch outside in the garden if it was not cold.’

  • have
  • is going to have
  • will have
  • would have

Answer: have

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘My mother always appears …………. when she goes out.’

  • Beautiful
  • beautifully
  • comfortably
  • sadly

Answer: Beautiful

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘Nam asked Nga what she ………….. she saw a snake.’

  • would do if
  • is going to do
  • will do
  • will do if

Answer: would do if

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘Peter told Linda that she ……………… if she met him.’

  • would be surprised
  • surprised
  • will surprise
  • would surprised

Answer: would be surprised

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘She asked …………. about developments.

  • to be kept informed
  • kept informed
  • kept informing
  • to keep

Answer: to be kept informed

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘She said if the weather was fine, she …………on a picnic with her friends.’

  • would go
  • goes
  • went
  • would go if

Answer: would go

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘She said she ……………. through the alarm.’

  • must have slept
  • had slept
  • slept
  • would sleep

Answer: must have slept

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘She told me that if she were me, she ………. her about that’

  • wouldn’t tell
  • didn’t tell
  • tells
  • would tell

Answer: wouldn’t tell

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘She tried on three dresses, none of …….. fitted her’

  • which
  • that
  • them
  • when

Answer: which

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘The church ____________ by a famous architect in the 18th century’

  • was designed
  • Has been designed
  • Is designed
  • Would be designed

Answer: was designed

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘The classroom ………………… next week

  • will be redecorated
  • Has been redecorated
  • is redecorated
  • was redecorated

Answer: will be redecorated

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘The doctor ____ him to take more exercise.’

  • told
  • have told
  • tell
  • telling

Answer: told

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘The guard said we ………….. cross the border.’

  • mustn’t
  • don’t have to
  • have to
  • needn’t

Answer: mustn’t

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘The hotel …………we stayed wasn’t very clean.’

  • where
  • what
  • what
  • which

Answer: where

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘The man asked the boys _____.’

  • why they were fighting
  • why did they fight
  • why they fight
  • why were they fighting

Answer: why they were fighting

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘The man said that he …………. a new car if he won the lottery.’

  • would buy
  • had bought
  • is going to buy
  • will buy

Answer: would buy

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘The person ………..I complained is the manager.

  • to who
  • to whom
  • who to
  • whom to

Answer: to who

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘The way she succeeded ………….. surprised everyone.’

  • which
  • for what
  • for which
  • what

Answer: which

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘They said that their house had been broken into ______.’

  • two days ago
  • since two days
  • the two days before
  • two days before

Answer: two days ago

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘They told me if that day ……… Sunday, they wouldn’t go to school

  • was
  • had been
  • were
  • would be

Answer: was

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘We broke 4 cars ……. belonged to my uncle.’

  • that
  • what
  • who
  • whom

Answer: that

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘We’d be stupid if we ………….. him about our secret.’

  • Told
  • Are telling
  • Have told
  • Tell

Answer: Told

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘When he was at Oliver’s flat yesterday, Martin asked if he ______ use the phone.’

  • could
  • can
  • may
  • must

Answer: could

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘Why ……… coca-cola ………… by teenagers as a number one drink?’

  • Has …. been chosen
  • is being chosen
  • Is chosen
  • will be chosen

Answer: Has …. been chosen

Complete the sentences with the correct word(s): ‘Your room will be available at 10 o’clock. It …………… now’

  • is being tidied
  • Have been tidied
  • is tidied
  • will be tidied

Answer: is being tidied

What’s a type of verb ‘to be’ in the following sentence:‘She is going to buy a house.’

  • Auxiliary verb
  • Modal verb
  • Ordinary verb
  • Particle verb

Answer: Auxiliary verb

What’s a type of verb ‘to be’ in the following sentence:‘She is so beautiful.’

  • Auxiliary verb
  • Modal verb
  • Ordinary verb
  • Particle verb

Answer: Ordinary verb

What’s a type of word ‘dare’ in the following sentence:‘I don’t dare to tell him my mistake.’

  • Auxiliary verb
  • Modal verb
  • Ordinary verb
  • Partiple verb

Answer: Ordinary verb

What’s type of the verb ‘need’ in the following sentence:‘He doesn’t need to pick her.’

  • Auxiliary verb
  • Modal verb
  • Ordinary verb
  • Partiple verb

Answer: Ordinary verb

What’s type of the verb ‘need’ in the following sentence:‘You need not mention this to her friend.’

  • Auxiliary verb
  • Modal verb
  • Ordinary verb
  • Partiple verb

Answer: Auxiliary verb

What’s type of the verb ‘need’ in the following sentence:‘You need to learn English before studying in Britain.’

  • Auxiliary verb
  • Modal verb
  • Ordinary verb
  • Partiple verb

Answer: Ordinary verb

What’s type of word ‘dare’ in the following sentence:‘You daren’t ask the rector about money.’

  • Auxiliary verb
  • Modal verb
  • Ordinary verb
  • Partiple verb

Answer: Modal verb

Which is correct pronouns for the sentence below:‘…….. is yours? The blue one or the red one?.’

  • Which
  • Who
  • whom
  • whose

Answer: Which

Which is correct pronouns for the sentence below:‘I send my sales report ………………..’

  • every two week
  • every two weeks
  • two every week
  • two every week

Answer: every two weeks

Which is correct pronouns for the sentence below:‘I talked to the girl …………… car had broken down in front of the shop.’

  • Of who
  • Who
  • whom
  • whose

Answer: whose

Which is correct pronouns for the sentence below:‘Thank you very much for your e-mail, …………… was very interesting.’

  • which
  • Who
  • whom
  • whose

Answer: which

Which is correct pronouns for the sentence below:‘That’s Peter, the boy ………… has just arrived at the airport.’

  • Which
  • who
  • whom
  • whose

Answer: who

Which is correct pronouns for the sentence below:‘They look at ………………………. eyes.’

  • each other
  • each other’s
  • one another
  • theirs

Answer: each other’s

Which is correct pronouns for the sentence below:‘We met Paul and Jane last night. This house is ………………..’

  • her
  • his
  • their
  • theirs

Answer: theirs

Which is correct pronouns for the sentence below:‘What can ……………. tell me about your family.’

  • he
  • I
  • she
  • you

Answer: you

Which is the best to fill a sentence below:‘…………. can you get there?’

  • How
  • How far
  • Which
  • Who

Answer: How

Which is the best to fill a sentence below:‘She hardly ever said so, ………….?’

  • did she?
  • does she?
  • doesn’t she?
  • will she?

Answer: did she?

Which is the best to fill a sentence below:‘She never comes back, ………….?’

  • did she?
  • does she?
  • doesn’t she?
  • will she?

Answer: does she?

Which one contains a compound adjective?

  • It is a 6-page document.
  • It is a boring document.
  • It is a long document.
  • It is my document.

Answer: It is a 6-page document.

Which one contains a demonstrative adjective?

  • This is a pronoun.
  • This is my beautiful pen.
  • This is my pen.
  • This pen is mine.

Answer: This is my pen.

Which one contains a possessive adjective?

  • Pens are in this bag.
  • This is a pen.
  • This is my beautiful pen.
  • This pen is mine.

Answer: This is my beautiful pen.

Which one contains adverb of frequency?

  • I always get up at 6.
  • I get up at 6.
  • I get up early.
  • I get up in a strange room.

Answer: I always get up at 6.

Which one contains adverb of manner?

  • I always listen to you all.
  • Listen this talk carefully.
  • Listen to me!
  • Listening is better than saying.

Answer: Listen this talk carefully.

Which one contains an indefinite adjective?

  • Each student has to write a report about their study tour.
  • Students write a report about their study tour.
  • The study tour is good for students.
  • There are 15 students on this study tour.

Answer: Each student has to write a report about their study tour.

Which one contains descriptive adjective?

  • Chinese food
  • Five cats
  • His house
  • Interesting book

Answer: Interesting book

Which one contains evaluative adverbs?

  • Clearly, he didn’t mean to ignore you.
  • Has he ever ignored you?
  • He didn’t mean to ignore you.
  • He sometimes ignores you.

Answer: Clearly, he didn’t mean to ignore you.

Which one contains linking adverbs?

  • Although I liked this book, I didn’t buy it.
  • Clearly, I liked this book.
  • I liked this book.
  • I will buy this book tomorrow.

Answer: Although I liked this book, I didn’t buy it.

Which one contains negation in non-finite clauses?

  • I’m thinking about going out tonight.
  • I’m thinking about not to go out tonight.
  • I’m thinking about to go out tonight.
  • I’m thinking that I will go out tonight.

Answer: I’m thinking about going out tonight.

Which one contains proper adjective?

  • Chinese food
  • Five cats
  • His house
  • Interesting book

Answer: Chinese food

Which one contains quantitative adjective?

  • Chinese food
  • Five cats
  • His house
  • Interesting book

Answer: Five cats

Which one has the same meaning with the given sentence:‘He stopped to smoke.’

  • He didn’t do an action any longer.
  • He stopped smoking.
  • He was doing something then paused it to start smoking.
  • He was doing something while smoking.

Answer: He was doing something then paused it to start smoking.

Which one in the given options is linking verbs?

  • become
  • play
  • run
  • sleep

Answer: become

Which one in the given options is linking verbs?

  • remain
  • climb
  • Do
  • give

Answer: remain

Which one in the given options is NOT linking verbs?

  • jump
  • look
  • sound
  • taste

Answer: jump

Which one is a correct sentence?

  • I can see anything.
  • I can see not something.
  • I can’t see anything.
  • I can’t see something.

Answer: I can’t see anything.

Which one is a correct sentence?

  • Nobody doesn’t like this book.
  • Nobody don’t like this book.
  • Nobody like this book.
  • Nobody likes this book.

Answer: Nobody likes this book.

Which one is a negative imperative?

  • Could you tell her that I love her?
  • Don’t tell her I love her.
  • Please tell her I love her.
  • Tell her I love her.

Answer: Don’t tell her I love her.

Which one is a negative question?

  • Do I go there?
  • Shall I go there?
  • Why do you go there?
  • Why don’t you go there?

Answer: Why don’t you go there?

Which one is a negative question?

  • Is it your car?
  • Is that your car?
  • Isn’t it your car”
  • Where is your car?

Answer: Isn’t it your car”

Which one is correct about ‘a noun phrase’?

  • A noun phrase is a word or group of words that can function as the subject or the complement in a sentence.
  • A noun phrase is a word or group of words that can function as the subject, the object in a sentence.
  • A noun phrase is a word or group of words that can function as the subject, the object, or the complement in a sentence.
  • A noun phrase is a word that can function as the subject, the object, or the complement in a sentence.

Answer: A noun phrase is a word or group of words that can function as the subject, the object, or the complement in a sentence.

Which one is correct about ‘a verb phrase’?

  • Verbs phrase contains one verb
  • Verbs phrase contains one verb as a head of verb phrase
  • Verbs phrase contains one verb as a headword
  • Verbs phrase contains one verb or two verbs as a head of verb phrase

Answer: Verbs phrase contains one verb as a head of verb phrase

Which one is correct about -ing participle?

  • If the base ends in -ee, change i to y and drop -e
  • if the base ends in -ee, -oe, or -ye, drop the -e before the -ing
  • If the base ends in -ie, change i to y and drop -e
  • if the base ends in –sh, -x drop them before adding the -ing

Answer: If the base ends in -ie, change i to y and drop -e

Which one is correct about postmodifiers?

  • An adjective that goes after the headword of noun phrase.
  • An article that goes before the headword of noun phrase.
  • Words that go after the headword of noun phrase.
  • Words that go before the headword of a noun phrase.

Answer: Words that go after the headword of noun phrase.

Which one is correct about the uses of -ing participle?

  • The -ing participle is used in -Ing participle clauses.
  • The -ing participle is used in the Progressive aspect
  • The -ing participle is used in the Progressive aspect and -Ing participle clauses.
  • The -ing participle is used in the Progressive aspect, following the auxiliary ought to

Answer: The -ing participle is used in the Progressive aspect and -Ing participle clauses.

Which part of the sentence is the underlined word in “He considers himself a superstar.”

  • A
  • C
  • O
  • S
  • V

Answer: O

Which part of the sentence is the underlined word in “My reply made my father angry.”

  • A
  • C
  • O
  • S
  • V

Answer: V

Which part of the sentence is the underlined word in “The one who stands next to Anna is his ex.”

  • A
  • C
  • O
  • S
  • V

Answer: S

Which part of the sentence is the underlined word in “When we came, they were reading comics.”

  • A
  • C
  • O
  • S
  • V

Answer: A

Which phrase contains postmodifiers?

  • A lovely girl
  • A red book on my table
  • In the middle of the picture
  • The day before my birthday

Answer: A red book on my table

Which phrase contains postmodifiers?

  • The book
  • The interesting old book
  • The old book
  • The old book that he gave me is interesting.

Answer: The old book that he gave me is interesting.

Which phrase contains postmodifiers?

  • Broken-hearted girl
  • Horror movies
  • Scalet letter
  • that girl in a pink floral dress

Answer: that girl in a pink floral dress

Which phrase contains postmodifiers?

  • A woman in the center of the room
  • All the women
  • In the center of the room
  • The woman

Answer: A woman in the center of the room

Which phrase contains post-modifiers?

  • Awesome man
  • nowhere to go
  • The hardest thing
  • The old man

Answer: nowhere to go

Which phrase contains premodifiers?

  • Beautiful in white
  • Girl next door
  • Long black hair
  • Roses in garden

Answer: Girl next door

Which phrase contains premodifiers?

  • All animals in the woods
  • Animals in the woods
  • Apples on a dish
  • Flowers in my garden

Answer: All animals in the woods

Which phrase contains premodifiers?

  • Books on shelf
  • In the cabin in the woods
  • Man in black
  • Plants in the woods

Answer: In the cabin in the woods

Which statement is correct about ‘pronouns’?

  • They admit determiners
  • They often don’t have an objective case
  • They often don’t have person distinction
  • They often have overt gender contrast

Answer: They often have overt gender contrast

Which statement is correct about ‘pronouns’?

  • They do not admit determiners
  • They often don’t have an objective case
  • They often don’t have overt gender contrast
  • They often don’t have person distinction

Answer: They do not admit determiners

Which type of given sentence is: “My reply made my father angry.”

  • Complex sentence
  • Compound sentence
  • Compound-complex sentence
  • Simple sentence

Answer: Simple sentence

Which type of given sentence is:“Although I like camping, I haven’t had the time to go lately, and I haven’t found anyone to go with.”

  • Complex sentence
  • Compound sentence
  • Compound-complex sentence
  • Simple sentence

Answer: Compound-complex sentence

Which type of given sentence is:“Because it was raining, the football match was canceled.”

  • Complex sentence
  • Compound sentence
  • Compound-complex sentence
  • Simple sentence

Answer: Complex sentence

Which type of given sentence is:“He ran out of money, so he had to stop playing poker.”

  • Complex sentence
  • Compound sentence
  • Compound-complex sentence
  • Simple sentence

Answer: Compound sentence

Which type of question is used in a sentence below:‘Could you tell me where you found my keys?’

  • Embedded questions
  • Tag questions
  • W – H questions
  • -Yes – No questions

Answer: Embedded questions

Which type of question is used in a sentence below:‘He doesn’t like this book, does he?’

  • Embedded questions
  • Tag questions
  • W – H questions
  • Yes – No questions

Answer: Tag questions

Which type of question is used in a sentence below:‘I’d like to know who you went with?’

  • Embedded questions
  • Tag questions
  • W – H questions
  • Yes – No questions

Answer: Embedded questions

Which type of question is used in the sentence below:‘Do know whether he comes or not?’

  • Embedded questions
  • Tag questions
  • W – H questions
  • Yes – No questions

Answer: Embedded questions

Which type of question is used to ask the underline word in a sentence below:‘This book is mine.’

  • Embedded questions
  • Tag questions
  • W – H questions
  • Yes – No questions

Answer: W – H questions

Which type of sentence is:“After eating lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, Tim went to the gym to exercise.”

  • Complex sentence
  • Compound sentence
  • Compound-complex sentence
  • Simple sentence

Answer: Complex sentence

Which type of sentence is:“After the two soccer players lost their game, they joined their other teammates for lunch, and they went to the movies.”

  • Complex sentence
  • Compound sentence
  • Compound-complex sentence
  • Simple sentence

Answer: Compound-complex sentence

Which type of sentence is:“The shoplifter had stolen clothes, so he ran once he saw the police.”

  • Complex sentence
  • Compound sentence
  • Compound-complex sentence
  • Simple sentence

Answer: Compound sentence

Which uses are belonged to the base form-type:

  • Imperative, Present subjunctive, Infinitive
  • Present subjunctive, Infinitive
  • Present tense, Imperative, Present subjunctive
  • Present tense, Imperative, Present subjunctive, Infinitive

Answer: Present tense, Imperative, Present subjunctive, Infinitive

Which verb has corrected -ing participle verb form?

  • lieing
  • liing
  • lying

Answer: lying

Which verb has corrected past participle verb form?

  • speak
  • spoke
  • spoked
  • spoken

Answer: spoken

Which verb has corrected past participle verb form?

  • Sweet
  • sweeten
  • sweetened
  • sweetener

Answer: sweetened

Which verb has corrected -s form-type?

  • Rush
  • Rushes
  • Rushies
  • Rushs

Answer: Rushes

Which word contains a negative prefixe?

  • Happiless
  • Happily
  • Happiness
  • Unhappy

Answer: Unhappy

Which word contains a negative prefixe?

  • Harmful
  • Harmless
  • impatient
  • patientness

Answer: Unhappy